All specified prices are inclusive of VAT and denominated in HRK. The offers and prices for special promotions apply until the end of the period specified on the website or while stocks last. The price is inclusive of the shipping costs specifically indicated in the product order form. The shipping costs will not be increased if the order is delivered in several parts, but may be increased by additional costs that may be incurred in the course of delivery, according to the terms and conditions of the delivery provider.
You may only pay for the products you order by using a credit card. Milsing d.o.o. will charge you the authorized amount at the time of delivery and, in case of any doubt as to the authenticity of any information provided by you, it may refuse to deliver the products. These Terms and Conditions also define the dispatch of products and services ordered.
monodose = 25 ml
one per day
7x active ingredients
30 min - fast absorption